Sunday, October 4, 2009

I missed two days!

Dang, lol I fail already. Some friends and I are trying to post a blog for the whole month. Failure!

Good news on Wallie! Mom said she'd pick him up after his vet appointment and hold on to him over night. Talked to Mike some more and he agreed to let me trap him and hold on to him until his vet appointment.

Tonight, I'm going to make an attempt after work. So HOPEFULLY I will have pictures and a good description of the lil guys attitude. I bet he's a sweet boy, I'm just counting on it lol

Holly and I went to petco and got a new beta. Not sure what to call him. He's the same color as Fishy-bob, but he's a crowntail. not sure what Fishy-bob was. It's very pretty though and he's doing good.

I'm reporting a volunteer at petco to the rescue she was wtih. She was handling a BC mix and kept smacking him for acting up. That makes dogs hand shy and doesn't help them get adopt. What an idiot, I don't even understand why she'd volunteer if she was just going to ruin a dog.


jennyb said...

No worries about missing days! Everyone gets busy. =)

Report her for sure. There's no excuse for that kind of behavior.

Courto said...


yay for wallie! now to get ahold of him, lol.

I'm the worst at naming anything. Survivor since he survived the hell that is petco?

that lady is an idiot.