Thursday, January 8, 2009

Declawed and Outside

I am so angry!!

I was at my mom's house, while Mike and his dad were trying to get the full tank of gas out of the beretta nad into the new car.

So I'm playing with Ted, that stray cat she found eating out of her garbage a couple weeks ago...And I notice he isn't using his claws to grab the toy, he's trying to scoop it. Which is how Princess plays.

So I said "Mom, I don't think Ted has any claws"

She didn't believe me. So I grabbed his scruff (he'll bite hard when he gets upset) and had her press down on his front paws.

Sure enough, some fucking asshat dumped this poor cat in the field with NO CLAWS. NO DEFENSE and hoped he survived. Maybe, they probably didn't give a rats ass if he did or not. It's a miracle the coyotes didn't eat him.

I couldn't believe it. I just want to hurt the people that did that to him. I'm strongly against declawing in the first place but to dump a cat outside like that? BULLSHIT.

I'm still angry but I can't think of anything to say to get this off my chest.

Mom was trying to trade me cats. Which just sucks. We shouldn't have to sit there and discuss which cats would do better n which situation to make sure they all have homes.

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