Thursday, December 11, 2008

Feliway is well worth the money

If you have an kind of behavioral issue with your cat, Feliway is the way to go.

Purgatory has always been very aggressive. We got him neutered, he calmed down, but he was still aggressive.

I finally decided to buy Feliway to see if it would work. I heard it worked with marking behaviors (hint! hint! If your cat sprays, get this!), but I wasn't sure if aggression like this would be something it'd help.

An hour after spraying it around the house (rest assured, you cannot smell it) I had a totally different cat. He was letting the others walk past him and even sniff his face. That's never happened before. This is a cat we've had to separate from the others, because he'd go out of his way to corner one of them and beat on them.

You can get it at Petco for about $30, more if you want the plug in (like glade's plugins). I just bought the little spray bottle.

Today, I'm going hunting! There's a little feral cat out at my mom's house. She's afriad the coyotes will get him. So I'm going to take my humane trap and other supplies out. Hopefully we'll get him before the coyotes. He's a tuxedo boy. Very pretty guy. Oh! I better remember to setup his neuter as well. I need a discount card! or maybe I should get itno a program, Spay and neuter 10 cats, the next ones free!

How awesome would that be? Haha!

Foster kitten from a couple years ago. Feral but we took them in to socialize them.

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